All Victorian native wildlife is protected under the Wildlife Act 1975, and it is illegal to harass or harm native birds and other wildlife without authorisation.
Sulphur-crested Cockatoos, Long-billed Corellas and Galahs are a common sight in Victoria. Many people love these stunning birds, however, there is also a great number of people who continue to be impacted by these intelligent, mischievous and noisy birds and who are looking for solutions.
Guidelines for reducing cockatoo damage
DEECA has developed guidelines to help people affected by these cockatoo species:
The guidelines:
- describe the ecological and behavioural traits of these cockatoos
- detail the legal and policy framework relating to these birds
- explain why an integrated planned approach promises the best results in managing impacts from Sulphur-crested Cockatoos, Long-billed Corellas and Galahs
- provide practical tips and management methods to mitigate cockatoo impacts in different situations
- list equipment and services that might be used during cockatoo management programs, and where to source them.
Guidelines for reducing Cockatoo damage (PDF, 973.6 KB)
Guidelines for reducing Cockatoo damage - accessible (DOCX, 3.6 MB)
Cockatoo, Corella and Galah abundance in Victoria
The Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research (ARI) estimates state-wide populations of 13.9 million Galahs, 7.7 million Sulphur-crested Cockatoos, 5.2 million Long-billed Corellas and 2.9 million Little Corellas. The populations of all four species have either been stable or increased over the past ten years, although there has been a slight recent decline in abundance of Sulphur-crested Cockatoos.
Scientists from ARI developed models using data collected by Birdlife Australia to estimate state-wide and regional abundance of Sulphur-crested Cockatoos, Long-billed Corellas, Little Corellas and Galahs in Victoria. The models also provide information on the changes in density of these species over the last ten years across the state.
The estimates will be used to inform management of these species in Victoria.
The 2021 report on the Cockatoo, Corella and Galah abundance model is available from the ARI website via the links below:
Corella Management Grants Program
The Corella Management Grant Program (CMGP) is a Victorian Government initiative that supports community, industry, and local government who are being adversely impacted by Long-billed Corella and Little Corella populations.
Applications are now open and close at 3 June 2024.
Find more information about the Corella Management Grants Program.
Page last updated: 09/05/24