Victoria hosts a wide range of reptilian wildlife, including 27 species of snake and 87 species of lizard. Our lizards include monitors (goannas), geckos, skinks , legless lizards and dragons.  Please see the fact sheets below for more information about some of these species.

Fact sheets about some of Victoria's reptile species:

Common Blue-tongued Lizard (DOCX, 340.7 KB)

Common Blue-tongued Lizard (PDF, 336.6 KB)

Common Long-necked Turtle (DOCX, 350.1 KB)

Common Long-necked Turtle (PDF, 150.7 KB)

Eastern Brown Snake (DOCX, 18.2 MB)

Eastern Brown Snake (PDF, 169.3 KB)

Red-bellied Black Snake (DOCX, 527.7 KB)

Red-bellied Black Snake (PDF, 174.8 KB)

Tiger Snake (DOCX, 511.0 KB)

Tiger Snake (PDF, 201.0 KB)

Living with snakes

While it is true that Victoria has some of the most venomous snake species in the world, there are some simple tips you can follow to stay safe around snakes. Please see the fact sheet below for more information.

Living with snakes (DOCX, 272.9 KB)

Living with snakes (PDF, 252.8 KB)

About reptiles

Reptiles are probably as easily defined by what they aren't as by what they are. As opposed to mammals and birds, reptiles have scales rather than fur or feathers. They also have dry, water-proof skin.

If it's not furred, feathered or slimy, it is most likely a reptile.

Being ‘cold-blooded’ does not mean that their blood is cold, but rather they cannot regulate their own body temperature and rely on the surrounding environment to control how hot or cold they are. For example, a cold lizard needs to bask in the sun to get warm and move into the shade when it becomes hot.

Did you know?

  • Snakes shed their skin up to four times a year and are able to dislocate their jaws to swallow prey.
  • Snakes smell with their tongue. They flick their tongue in and out of their mouth to collect chemicals in the air which helps them to find food and mates.
  • Reptiles can go without food for days or even months.
  • Many reptiles have a transparent scale over their eyes to provide protection and prevent moisture loss.
  • Some goannas can grow up to two meters long and are excellent swimmers.
  • Shingleback lizards have a tail that looks like its head to confuse predators. If the predator bites off its tail, it will slowly grow back.

Page last updated: 16/11/21