Kangaroo control since the program began

Every year, DEECA reports on harvest statistics and the total take of kangaroos under both the Kangaroo Harvesting Program (KHP) and the Authority to Control Wildlife (ATCW) system.

Since the KHP began late in 2019, landholders have increasingly showed a preference for accessing the KHP rather than applying for an ATCW. The KHP now accounts for approximately half of the kangaroo control in Victoria.

Between October and December 2019 (the KHP was established in October 2019) 22% of kangaroo control was performed through the KHP. This has increased to 49% in 2023.

Breakdown of total kangaroo control in Victoria

Graphs showing the breakdown of total kangaroo control in Victorian 2019-2024

Summary of harvesting activity in 2023

KHP statistics for 2023 are provided in the table below. Overall, just over 72,000 kangaroos – or 3% of the estimated population within Harvest Zones – were harvested through the KHP. Harvesters did not use the full quota allocation available to them. The use of quota varied greatly between Harvest Zones. Statewide, 43% of the available KHP quota was used by harvesters.

Zone KHP quota available KHP quota harvested % Harvest zone population harvested
Central 65,100 24,689 3%
Gippsland 13,600 8,039 5%
Lower Wimmera 41,100 19,463 4%
Mallee 1,550 1,400 3%
North East 11,050 6,588 2%
Otway 15,500 7,919 4%
Upper Wimmera 18, 850 4,134 2%

Combined harvesting activity and ATCW permits in 2023

Across the 7 harvest zones, less than 7% of Eastern and Western Grey kangaroos were either controlled through the KHP or approved for control under ATCW permits. This is within the 10% maximum recommended by the Arthur Rylah Institute.

The total take of kangaroos in 2023 was approximately 20,000 more than in 2022, noting that there was more quota was available to KHP harvesters in 2023 than in 2022, due to an increase in kangaroo populations.

Recommended total take (ATCW and KHP combined) Total take (ATCW and KHP combined) % population taken (ATCW and KHP combined)
Central 82,050 46,227 6%
Gippsland 17,650 12,200 7%
Lower Wimmera 55,600 32,804 6%
Mallee 5,600 7,363 13%
North East 35,600 30,401 9%
Otway 18,900 11,835 6%
Upper Wimmera 20,950 6,777 3%

The total take in the Mallee Zone exceeded the recommended maximum. This is due to higher than predicted ATCW permits for control of kangaroos on public land as part of kangaroo management plans.

DEECA identified potential for higher than predicated levels of take in late June close to the release of the final allocation of quota in the Mallee zone. After thorough assessment, DEECA concluded that releasing the final quota would not have any material impact on the broader statewide kangaroo population or the kangaroo population in the Mallee Harvest Zone.

No adjustments were made due to the overall low quota available for that zone (1,500 for 2023) and there being only 500 quota remaining to be released at the time. A reduction or suspension of the remaining quota would not have made any significant impact on the total take given it represents less than 1 % of the estimated population in the Mallee.

In response to the higher levels of control in the Mallee Harvest Zone in 2023, and the predicted levels of take for 2024 through the ATCW system, no KHP quota has been assigned to this zone for 2024.

Annual reports

Page last updated: 29/07/24