Veterinarians role in wildlife rehabilitation
Wildlife shelters and foster carers that receive sick, injured or orphaned wildlife must ensure that the wildlife is assessed by a veterinarian or a person experienced in diagnosing illnesses, diseases and injuries in the species.
This is to ensure that the wildlife receives accurate diagnoses and the best possible treatment options. There are also some forms of treatment that can only be administered by a veterinarian (e.g. prescribing medication).
Veterinarian advice on the care and treatment of wildlife is important to both the animal and to the wildlife carer. Wildlife carers are volunteers and generally learn from guidance and experience.
It is important that working relationships are established between veterinarians and local wildlife shelters so that wildlife can receive appropriate and timely care to increase their chances of successful recovery and rehabilitation back to the wild.
Veterinary care for wildlife: information for veterinarians and clinic staff
(DOCX, 1.1 MB)
Veterinary care for wildlife: information for veterinarians and clinic staff (PDF, 575.5 KB)
Page last updated: 27/04/21